Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Are The Side Effects Of Quitting Smoking

The side effects of quit smoking usually vary from person to person. Almost all the people who have decided to stop smoking can find one or two weeks after that very hard to deal with.

Usually the stop smoking side effects can be in the forms of heightened nervousness or an increase in the anxiety. The people who have stopped smoking may feel irritable and impatient for a few days or weeks. They will have frequent and repetitive cravings to smoke which they may find it very difficult to stand with. Some people can have a nauseated feeling, dizziness, or the lack of concentration in the things they are doing. Some people also feel frequent or occasional head aches especially during the first week. The quit smoking effects may decrease during the second week. We should drink a lot of water during this time as this will help us a lot to flush out the harmful toxins out from the body. We should allow the time for the body to get adjusted by itself whether we introduce a new thing to the body. Like wise, it may take some time to get adjusted to the change in the things we regularly provided the body too.

The main reason is the content called nicotine in the cigarettes. They will make the smoker addicted to the smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy is useful for reducing the quit smoking effects as they feed the hunger for nicotine. Usually nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nicotine inhalers, etc release small quantities of nicotine in the blood stream which lessens the urge to smoke. It also helps to lower the level of depression and improves the health of the person.

Usually people are not aware of the fact that during the first three days after stopping smoking, the increased pulse rate and overall blood pressure of that person will get normalized. The energy and stamina of the person also increases as the body is getting rid of the harmful toxins. The nicotine elimination from the body boosts the senses and the sense of smell and the taste for food also increases. Breathing also gets lighter and the heavy tar build up in the lungs will get start to clear out by itself. The skin tone also will start improving. These are some of the immediate results other than the numerous long term results.

The desire for the cigarettes along with the quit smoking effects will drop dramatically between three weeks to three months. Around one to three months after the quitting, the person himself will be able to feel the changes happened to him, which includes a new level of the sensitivity or the boosting in the senses. The taste for food and drinks will also increase. Some times a food addiction also can come to substitute the addiction for tobaccos, but this should also be prevented as it can help to gain the body weight a lot.